Luciano La Letta – Architect

Born in Leghorn on 1949 March, 30th
Registered on the Albo degli Architetti di Livorno since 1975
Founder of “LEM Associates – Architecture and Engineering” Leghorn
President of the Consiglio Disciplina of the Ordine degli Architetti di Livorno
Expert in the field of Urban social ecological systems

Formal qualifications and awards

  • President of the Consiglio Disciplina of the Ordine degli Architetti di Livorno
  • Academic instructor of Urban social ecological systems at the University of Pisa
  • Laurea Magna cum Laude in Architecture (University of Florence) and registered on the Albo degli Architetti di Livorno (n.39)


  • “L’Architettura” –  Introduzione all’Ecologia Urbana e Sociale – SEU – Pisa
  • “Inquinamento visivo”, Coautore – L’Universo – Istituto Geografico Militare – Firenze
  • “Inquinamento visivo: il ruolo dell’architetto” – La vista offesa – Franco Angeli editore – Milano

Main projects and activities

  • 2009/11 – Chamber of Commerce in Leghorn
    Design and economic assessment of a new 6-storey building for offices, apartments and financial centers in Cecina
  • 2007/08 – Amministrazione Provinciale di Livorno
    Design for the restoration of the Villa Maurogordato in Leghorn. Artistic and architectural aspects (survey and design)
  • 2005/08 – Ministry of the Defence
    General direction of the works: design for the restoration of ASC apartments and guesthouse of the Official Courses at the Italian Navy Academy (Marina Militare) in Leghorn
  • 2005 – 1° Classificato Concorso Nazionale
    National Concept and Design Competition in Architecture Ernesto Lusana 3rd edition – “the light house” – for the design of n. 24 social housing accommodations (7000 cm) in the municipality of Sperlonga (LT), with a low impact intervention respectful of the local culture
  • 2005 – 2° Classificato Concorso Nazionale
    Participation to the competition of the new school building Liceo Fermi in Cecina
  • 1995 – Tennis center Libertas – Leghorn
    Architectural design and direction of the works for the tennis center Libertas Sport in Leghorn. The works concerned a new building for reception and offices and in the retrofitting of the existing club-house, with a re-organization of the activities
  • 1994 – Privato
    Project and direction of works for the restoration of a tower nearby the mura medicee (Via del Molo Mediceo – Leghorn)
  • 1981 – Finalist in the National Competition
    National Design Competition for the restoration of the Piombino’s castle. Selected project.
  • 1977 – Opera Primaziale Pisana (organization for the protection, promotion and enhancement of the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa)
    Museo delle Sinopie: design and direction of works of the glass elevator (with Arch. Nencini)